Patriots' Run 2021

© © Patriots' Run

Short review

IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE THAT THIS IS THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11!  Show your patriotism. Compete against yourself. Compete against other teams. How many laps can YOU complete from noon-9:11 p.m. on September 11, 2021?  Or - how fast can you run a 5K, half marathon, marathon or ultra run?  Or-how many laps can your team complete?  We have it all!

 The traditional Patriots’ Run is a family-friendly race with community party atmosphere. The day begins at noon (5K is at 8:30 AM) and we race for nine hours and eleven minutes To Thank And Honor Those Who Serve Our Country and those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Individuals or teams can choose to run for nine hours and eleven minutes, or for any portion of the day. The individual and team with the most laps at the end of the day, wins the race. You can also participate in the marathon, half marathon 5K or Ultra Divisions.

The event starts at noon and continues until 9:11 PM. The marathon, half marathon start at noon only. The Ultra runners, casual runners/walkers and teams are welcome to start at any time and go as many laps as you wish. THE 5K STARTS 8:30 AM. All events are timed/tracked.

Teams and families are welcome to set up a tent in the designated area. Lawn chairs are encouraged! Spectators can bring family and friends, cheer for their favorite runner and listen to the music (there is ALWAYS music at the Patriots’ Run). This is one of the few such events where spectators can watch the entire run.

 Team categories include military, law enforcement, fire fighters, EMTs, race walkers and open division. You can have up to 10 per team. The chip is relayed runner to runner and we total the laps. If another runner is out with the chipped runner, only the chipped runner is counted.

All participants receive a t-shirt. 5K/Half receive cotton, while Marathon/Ultra receive tech.
Finishers medals to 5K, half marathon, marathon and ultra.
Team Plaque for all teams. 

PLEASE TRACK YOUR LAPS! GPS ISNT PERFECT. --> Bring a friend to help! 

Race Day Registration Will Be Available.

Registration open
Register now

Road Running , Walk , Vertical race


5K , Half-marathon , Marathon , Ultramarathon


from $25

Organized since 2015

Short review

IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE THAT THIS IS THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11!  Show your patriotism. Compete against yourself. Compete against other teams. How many laps can YOU complete from noon-9:11 p.m. on September 11, 2021?  Or - how fast can you run a 5K, half marathon, marathon or ultra run?  Or-how many laps can your team complete?  We have it all!

 The traditional Patriots’ Run is a family-friendly race with community party atmosphere. The day begins at noon (5K is at 8:30 AM) and we race for nine hours and eleven minutes To Thank And Honor Those Who Serve Our Country and those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Individuals or teams can choose to run for nine hours and eleven minutes, or for any portion of the day. The individual and team with the most laps at the end of the day, wins the race. You can also participate in the marathon, half marathon 5K or Ultra Divisions.

The event starts at noon and continues until 9:11 PM. The marathon, half marathon start at noon only. The Ultra runners, casual runners/walkers and teams are welcome to start at any time and go as many laps as you wish. THE 5K STARTS 8:30 AM. All events are timed/tracked.

Teams and families are welcome to set up a tent in the designated area. Lawn chairs are encouraged! Spectators can bring family and friends, cheer for their favorite runner and listen to the music (there is ALWAYS music at the Patriots’ Run). This is one of the few such events where spectators can watch the entire run.

 Team categories include military, law enforcement, fire fighters, EMTs, race walkers and open division. You can have up to 10 per team. The chip is relayed runner to runner and we total the laps. If another runner is out with the chipped runner, only the chipped runner is counted.

All participants receive a t-shirt. 5K/Half receive cotton, while Marathon/Ultra receive tech.
Finishers medals to 5K, half marathon, marathon and ultra.
Team Plaque for all teams. 

PLEASE TRACK YOUR LAPS! GPS ISNT PERFECT. --> Bring a friend to help! 

Race Day Registration Will Be Available.

26 Road Running races on 11 September 2021 in Overland Park


September 11, 2019

The race starts at 12:00

42 km

from $50


September 11, 2020

The race starts at 12:00

42 km

from $50

VIRTUAL Patriots' Run Marathon

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 00:01

42 km

from $35


September 11, 2021

The race starts at 12:00

42 km

from $50

Half Marathon

September 11, 2019

The race starts at 12:00

21 km

from $40

NO MEDAL Half Marathon

September 11, 2019

The race starts at 12:00

21 km

from $35

Half Marathon

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 12:00

21 km

from $40

VIRTUAL Patriots' Run Half Marathon

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 00:01

21 km

from $35

Half Marathon

September 11, 2021

The race starts at 12:00

21 km

from $40

Patriots' Run 5K

September 11, 2019

The race starts at 18:30

5 km

from $35

Patriots' Run 5K

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 18:30

5 km

from $35

VIRTUAL Patriots' Run 5K

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 12:01

5 km

from $35

Patriots' Run 5K

September 11, 2021

The race starts at 08:30

5 km

from $35

Casual Walk Run

September 11, 2019

The race starts at 12:00

from $25

Ultra Run

September 11, 2019

The race starts at 12:00

from $60

9Hour 11Min TEAM Challenge

September 11, 2019

The race starts at 12:00

from $25

Casual Walk Run

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 12:00

from $25

Ultra Run

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 12:00

from $60

9Hour 11Min TEAM Challenge

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 12:00

from $25

VIRTUAL Patriots' Run Ultra Run

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 00:01

from $35

VIRTUAL Patriots' Run Racewalk

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 00:01

from $35

Corporate Team Sponsor

September 11, 2020

The race starts at 12:00

from $250

Casual Walk Run

September 11, 2021

The race starts at 12:00

from $25

Ultra Run

September 11, 2021

The race starts at 12:00

from $60

TEAM Sign up

September 11, 2021

The race starts at 12:00

from $25

Corporate Team Sponsor

September 11, 2021

The race starts at 12:00

from $250

Weather for Sep 11, 2021

79.38 °F

Wind: 8.06 m/s.

Partly cloudy throughout the day..

Very Good for running

Past weather

Sep 11, 2015

88.87 °F, wind 1.29m/s

Heavy rain throughout the day..

Sep 11, 2016

75.33 °F, wind 2.64m/s

Clear throughout the day..

Sep 11, 2017

83.12 °F, wind 1.9m/s

Clear throughout the day..

Sep 11, 2018

79.48 °F, wind 1.93m/s

Clear throughout the day..

Sep 11, 2019

88.03 °F, wind 10.17m/s

Humid and partly cloudy throughout the day..

Sep 11, 2020

58.76 °F, wind 8.21m/s

Rain until evening..

Feb 22, 2025

°F, wind m/s


Powered by Dark Sky

What to wear on your run?

Contacts of the organizers & official website

We recommend checking the official website for up-to-date information.

The information about Patriots' Run is based on information provided by the organizers or found on the official website of the event.

If you have noticed any mistake, please let us know at

[email protected]

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