Short review
The Love Run 5K is a family-friendly event that provides a fun way to bring the community together while supporting poverty relief efforts in our city and all over the world. This race begins at CityChurch Bandera Road and continues through Nani Falcone Park. Families will be able to hang out after the race to enjoy fun activities and a chance to enter to win prizes.
Road Running , Walk
from $40
Organized since 2018
Short review
The Love Run 5K is a family-friendly event that provides a fun way to bring the community together while supporting poverty relief efforts in our city and all over the world. This race begins at CityChurch Bandera Road and continues through Nani Falcone Park. Families will be able to hang out after the race to enjoy fun activities and a chance to enter to win prizes.
January 26, 2019
The race starts at 08:005 km
from $40
Weather for Jan 26, 2019
62.23 °F
Wind: 3.61 m/s.
Mostly cloudy throughout the day..
Very Good for running
Powered by Dark Sky
What to wear on your run?
We recommend checking the official website for up-to-date information.
The information about Love Run 5K is based on information provided by the organizers or found on the official website of the event.
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