Short review
Signup for a day full of fun and miles!
Welcome to our virtually tracked Half Marathon and 10K run!
You may pick the option to run on your own anywhere, or you may select one of our pre-set virtual courses! Get live updates and course directions while running, from our run tracker RaceJoy! Ready to earn one of the top spots on the leaderboard?
Date: Saturday March 20th
Virtual Courses:
-Pre- Set Course: Half Marathon
-Pre- Set Course: 10K
-Run Anywhere Half Marathon
-Run Anywhere 10K
SWAG Included with Registration!
Bring your own water. No hydration stations on course.
Leaderboard Closes: 9PM
Registration: Open to the PUBLIC
Price: Half Marathon $55 | 10K Run $45
Road Running , Vertical race
10K , Half-marathon
from $45
Organized since 2021
Short review
Signup for a day full of fun and miles!
Welcome to our virtually tracked Half Marathon and 10K run!
You may pick the option to run on your own anywhere, or you may select one of our pre-set virtual courses! Get live updates and course directions while running, from our run tracker RaceJoy! Ready to earn one of the top spots on the leaderboard?
Date: Saturday March 20th
Virtual Courses:
-Pre- Set Course: Half Marathon
-Pre- Set Course: 10K
-Run Anywhere Half Marathon
-Run Anywhere 10K
SWAG Included with Registration!
Bring your own water. No hydration stations on course.
Leaderboard Closes: 9PM
Registration: Open to the PUBLIC
Price: Half Marathon $55 | 10K Run $45
March 20, 2021
The race starts at 06:3021 km
from $55
March 20, 2021
The race starts at 06:3021 km
from $55
March 20, 2021
The race starts at 06:3010 km
from $45
March 20, 2021
The race starts at 06:3010 km
from $45
Weather for Mar 20, 2021
85.28 °F
Wind: 8.82 m/s.
Humid and partly cloudy throughout the day..
Very Good for running
Powered by Dark Sky
What to wear on your run?
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