Short review
2020 is a VIRTUAL EVENT - YOU GET THE 5K DISTANCE COMPLETED WHEREVER YOU WANT TO - YOU ARE NOT TO GO TO THE RACE LOCATION OF YEARS PAST. Celebrating our 10th run!!! All proceeds benefit Get A Mammy, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides funds for mammograms to women in financial need, as well as to increase awareness of the importance of early detection, provide funds for cancer research and reconstructive surgery for qualified applicants. To date, GAM has helped over 400 men/women obtain Mammograms and/or screenings and out of these patients, several have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Your support has made this possible. YOU helped save a life. UPDATE: The 2020 edition is in honor of Amelia Ann who died this week from Breast Cancer. Your financial support to this event will financially support women who need assistance to get this life saving exam. Registration and Entry Fee (All dates year 2020) ************ Online registrations only are accepted. Early registration by Sept 24: $20.00 5K $50.00 Family rate** Late registration Sept 25-Oct 3 $25.00 5K *(by 2:59 pm) $60.00 Family rate** Race Week: $30.00 Oct 4–Oct 10 by 11:59 pm $65.00 Family rate** Men’s Walk a Lap in her Shoes: $20.00 Men Only Dress up in pink like a lady as best you can! Award given to the most appropriately dressed in pink! Submit your pic to and by submission you are agreeing to have that pic posted on Social media formats such as Facebook or Instagram, etc. 1 submission will win a special gift basket! **Family rate includes parents and their children under age 18 up to four members total. Ghost runner: Don’t feel like running?? Register as a Ghost Runner for $25.00 and special medal! No refunds or exchanges.
Road Running , Walk , Vertical race
from $25
Organized since 2014
Short review
2020 is a VIRTUAL EVENT - YOU GET THE 5K DISTANCE COMPLETED WHEREVER YOU WANT TO - YOU ARE NOT TO GO TO THE RACE LOCATION OF YEARS PAST. Celebrating our 10th run!!! All proceeds benefit Get A Mammy, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides funds for mammograms to women in financial need, as well as to increase awareness of the importance of early detection, provide funds for cancer research and reconstructive surgery for qualified applicants. To date, GAM has helped over 400 men/women obtain Mammograms and/or screenings and out of these patients, several have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Your support has made this possible. YOU helped save a life. UPDATE: The 2020 edition is in honor of Amelia Ann who died this week from Breast Cancer. Your financial support to this event will financially support women who need assistance to get this life saving exam. Registration and Entry Fee (All dates year 2020) ************ Online registrations only are accepted. Early registration by Sept 24: $20.00 5K $50.00 Family rate** Late registration Sept 25-Oct 3 $25.00 5K *(by 2:59 pm) $60.00 Family rate** Race Week: $30.00 Oct 4–Oct 10 by 11:59 pm $65.00 Family rate** Men’s Walk a Lap in her Shoes: $20.00 Men Only Dress up in pink like a lady as best you can! Award given to the most appropriately dressed in pink! Submit your pic to and by submission you are agreeing to have that pic posted on Social media formats such as Facebook or Instagram, etc. 1 submission will win a special gift basket! **Family rate includes parents and their children under age 18 up to four members total. Ghost runner: Don’t feel like running?? Register as a Ghost Runner for $25.00 and special medal! No refunds or exchanges.
September 28, 2019
The race starts at 08:005 km
from $25
October 03, 2020
The race starts at 08:005 km
from $30
Weather for Oct 03, 2020
83.01 °F
Wind: 4.82 m/s.
Partly cloudy throughout the day..
Very Good for running
Past weather
Sep 27, 2014
82.18 °F, wind 5.84m/s
Overcast throughout the day..
Sep 26, 2015
71.62 °F, wind 3.06m/s
Overcast throughout the day..
Sep 24, 2016
90.07 °F, wind 2.6m/s
Clear throughout the day..
Sep 30, 2017
93.78 °F, wind 1.81m/s
Humid throughout the day..
Sep 29, 2018
92.18 °F, wind 1.99m/s
Heavy rain in the evening..
Sep 28, 2019
96.53 °F, wind 3.97m/s
Humid throughout the day..
Powered by Dark Sky
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