Short review
The GEM 5K was established in 2014 with the purpose to benefit someone in the Haysville community. G.E.M. stands for the Gary Engels Memorial. Gary Engels was a former English teacher at Campus High School and also a beloved coach. He battled cancer for two years but left behind a legacy in the Haysville community. This year’s beneficiary of the GEM 5K is Campus High School teacher, Heather Swinger.
On August 7th 2020 Mrs. Swinger received a diagnosis of ductal carcinoma breast cancer. Thankfully, the cancer was found early enough to be deemed stage 1. However, Mrs. Swinger has had to undergo surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and will take medication for an extended period of time. Through all of this, she has continued to teach at Campus High School during a pandemic. During an incredibly difficult time, she has remained positive and optimistic for both her family and her students.
Masks are required up until the race begins. They are not required while running/walking. After the race has completed, masks are required. Staggered start times will be used for social distancing purposes.
Map of 5K will be uploaded on 2/26. The race will begin and end on the North side of Riggs Park in Haysville, KS and follow the bike/walking path.
*A tshirt is not guaranteed if signing up after March 26th*
This race is not officially timed.
Road Running , Walk , Vertical race
from $25
Organized since 2019
Short review
The GEM 5K was established in 2014 with the purpose to benefit someone in the Haysville community. G.E.M. stands for the Gary Engels Memorial. Gary Engels was a former English teacher at Campus High School and also a beloved coach. He battled cancer for two years but left behind a legacy in the Haysville community. This year’s beneficiary of the GEM 5K is Campus High School teacher, Heather Swinger.
On August 7th 2020 Mrs. Swinger received a diagnosis of ductal carcinoma breast cancer. Thankfully, the cancer was found early enough to be deemed stage 1. However, Mrs. Swinger has had to undergo surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and will take medication for an extended period of time. Through all of this, she has continued to teach at Campus High School during a pandemic. During an incredibly difficult time, she has remained positive and optimistic for both her family and her students.
Masks are required up until the race begins. They are not required while running/walking. After the race has completed, masks are required. Staggered start times will be used for social distancing purposes.
Map of 5K will be uploaded on 2/26. The race will begin and end on the North side of Riggs Park in Haysville, KS and follow the bike/walking path.
*A tshirt is not guaranteed if signing up after March 26th*
This race is not officially timed.
April 07, 2019
The race starts at 16:005 km
from $25
April 04, 2020
The race starts at 16:005 km
from $30
April 10, 2021
The race starts at 09:305 km
from $30
Weather for Apr 10, 2021
Wind: m/s.
Very Good for running
Past weather
Apr 07, 2019
66.08 °F, wind 1.9m/s
Partly cloudy throughout the day..
Apr 04, 2020
55.66 °F, wind 9.39m/s
Mostly cloudy throughout the day..
Powered by Dark Sky
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