Short review
Claro 10 Millas
23 de Febrero, 2019
Hora de salida 1 milla: 7:00 a.m. (23 feb ,2019)
Salida: Colegio St Jude
Meta: Colegio St Jude
Distancia: 1 milla
February 24, 2019
The race starts at 06:0016.1 km
from $0
February 23, 2019
The race starts at 07:005 km
from $
Weather for Feb 23, 2019
85.83 °F
Wind: 12.32 m/s.
Rain starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening..
Very Good for running
Powered by Dark Sky
What to wear on your run?
We recommend checking the official website for up-to-date information.
The information about Claro 1 Milla is based on information provided by the organizers or found on the official website of the event.
If you have noticed any mistake, please let us know at
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