Short review
This race will be run on the Whit Pine Linear Trail. Run Michigan Cheap strives to make races more AFFORDABLE while also delivering a fun, healthy and competitive running atmosphere.
Trail Running
5K , 10K , Half-marathon
from $15
Type of Surface:
Type of Terrain:
Short review
This race will be run on the Whit Pine Linear Trail. Run Michigan Cheap strives to make races more AFFORDABLE while also delivering a fun, healthy and competitive running atmosphere.
July 01, 2018
The race starts at 8:00 AM21.097 km
from $30
21.097 km run course map
July 01, 2018
The race starts at 8:00 AM10 km
from $25
July 01, 2018
The race starts at 8:00 AM5 km
from $15
Weather for Jul 01, 2018
90.69 °F
Wind: 6.68 m/s.
Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy until evening..
Very Good for running
Powered by Dark Sky
What to wear on your run?
We recommend checking the official website for up-to-date information.
The information about Cedar Springs — Run Michigan Cheap is based on information provided by the organizers or found on the official website of the event.
If you have noticed any mistake, please let us know at
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